Saturday, April 21, 2012

Recipes, Recipes, Recipes!

When I was 15 I decided that one of these days I would get married, and figured since I had no idea what my future husband would want to eat, I should collect every recipe imaginable.

Then I turned 16 and met my future husband and discovered he loved cheesecake, so I collected every cheesecake recipe I could find.

He told me later that he only liked cherry topped cheesecake, so that began a very long and slow process of eliminating, organizing and more eliminating and more organizing.

And then I became vegan.

You get the picture.

Anyway, long and agonizing story short, in recent years the clippings and copies turned into more than four boxes and several piles of recipes that needed to be, once again, sorted and organized into a usable system. My earlier filing systems had become unwieldy, and I found I wasn't utilizing what stood to be an amazing array of dining treasures. So I sat down and began the long and rather arduous task of plowing through those boxes and piles and files and turning what had become clutter into something infinitely more accessible.


I had accumulated various binders over the years as a result of my own college attendance and then homeschooling my kids. Then an acquaintance gave me two large boxes of binders when his company underwent a name change. Add to this several unopened packages of loose leaf paper and two boxes of page protectors, I was off and running. Or sitting, as the case may be. I read, clipped and sorted my way through my stacks until I had completed my task.

I won't even mention the numerous bags of recyclable paper that my husband toted to the local recycling bin.

When the dust cleared (not really) and the stacks were gone and the recipes sorted, I had reduced what was once unsightly into several labeled and tabbed binders that put all of these eagerly awaiting to be used recipes at my fingertips. And it has paid off! I now sit down each week and select recipes from the binders and am preparing delicious recipes, just the way I've always liked to.

No muss no fuss.

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