Monday, October 17, 2011

Are You Ready For Some Hallowe'en?

I am! Well, almost. Still have plenty of decorating to do.

There is so much about the month of October that excites me! I love all the spooky movies and shows that dominate this time of year. I am especially fond of the older movies, that are creepy scary, not gory scary. One of my favorites from my childhood is The Haunting. The 1963 version with Julie Harris, not the newer one with Liam Neeson.

A few years ago I was introduced to The Changeling with George C. Scott. I had to add it to my repertoire.

And, of course, ANYTHING with Vincent Price. My parents have told me about old zombie movies that they loved when they were young. I'm still trying to track down a few of those. Try as I might, I cannot get into today's zombie movies, although I will admit to being a fan of the Resident Evil movies. I couldn't even sit through the show The Walking Dead. <shudder>

I had to pull back out a book I never finished earlier this year, because it seems entirely appropriate this month: Witches Bane by Susan Wittig Albert.

I've been discovering a wealth of mysteries lately that revolve around certain themes. Albert's books take place in a small town in Texas and the main character runs an herb shop. Another series I've fallen in love with takes place in Charleston and the main character run a tea shop. I just requested several different other similarly themed mysteries from the library. Now if I could only spirit myself away to a spa and sit poolside doing nothing all day but read...

You can't consider October without appreciating the foods. I always have to do something with pumpkin this month, like last year when I whipped up some Pumpkin Alfredo.

This year I am considering an entire black and orange themed meal. Kind of excited about the prospect, really.

And who can forget the decorating? I have been collecting patterns for several cross stitch pieces and was blessed to have a friend send a pattern for me to sew a witch's hat.

I've still got a LOT to do yet, but at least it's a start! More to come! If you haven't gotten a move on for the holiday - WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

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