Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring is Here!

Today couldn't have been more pleasant. The first day of spring and the weather is just gorgeous! Hubby and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves working outside cleaning up the yard, and even planted a few things! There is just something about getting your hands in the dirt that brings out the kids in all of us.

I started the day off by planting three plants in the ground - pineapple sage, lemon verbena and fennel. I love seeing butterflies flitting about my yard while I sit on my porch, and fennel is a known black swallowtail attractor.

We get a lot of Monarch butterflies, but I think the Black Swallowtail is stunning.

I did an inventory of all my gardening pots. I'm planning more container gardening this year, as opposed to in the ground, with a few exceptions above. The first task was my little tea garden.

Right now it is on the porch, but I'd like to either make or buy a table to put them on, to get them off the ground. I planted chamomile, peppermint and lemon balm.

I added a teacup bird feeder.

I had planned to add the matching teapot birdhouse, but discovered a small nest with a single egg in it! Not being sure if it is an abandoned nest or not, I left it for now.

As a vegan, we eat a lot of vegetables. So, this year, I planted some!

This container has Roma grape tomatoes, bell pepper and garlic chives. It holds a little stone that reads: Hope.

This one holds a regular grape tomato plant, sweet basil and spearmint. I added the tomato cages to both to help them as they grow. Both also have a little gnome with them to watch over them.

I have more gardening adventures planned for the spring, but this was a good start. We ended our outdoor fun by dining on leftovers from hubs grilling adventure yesterday, and a lovely tropical pasta salad.

Now back to my garden planner and tomorrow's search for a patchouli plant!

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