Tuesday, January 19, 2021

National Popcorn Day

No one seems to know how this holiday came about, but the suspicion is it was somehow connected to the Super Bowl. Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but okay. I like popcorn, so it doesn't really matter much how it came to be.

I have several varieties of popcorn makers. I used to be rather lazy about it, buying the boxed packages of microwave popcorn and indulging. But my popcorn makers make it so much more fun. I have the hand crank kind that you put on your stove, another that is of the appliance variety that looks like an old fashioned popcorn machine, and two glass popcorn poppers designed for the microwave.  These are the ones I'm currently in love with. Measure, pour, microwave, done. I can put a pat of butter on top and it melts right over the popping popcorn. I absolutely love them!

I also have special popcorn bowls. One looks like the above picture, another is one I picked up from World Market.

One recipe I do very much like, even if it is more of a Valentine kind of treat, is red hot popcorn. Originally I used the bagged microwave popcorn, but now I use one of my other methods. It's called Red Hot Popcorn, and if you like cinnamon, this is right up your alley!

Another way you can celebrate this day is to string popcorn. I know, that's more associated with Christmas, but it IS still winter. So if you have some stale popcorn sitting around (what?!), string it up and indulge some wildlife.

Most importantly, just make some popcorn today! Watch a movie, binge some shows, but enjoy this potentially healthy snack.

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