Sunday, January 21, 2018

National Hugging Day

National Hugging Day is for, you guessed it, hugging! It was started by Kevin Zaborney as a bridge between Christmas and Valentine's Day, a time believed to be when people are feeling particularly low. Believing that people are generally afraid to show feelings, he hoped this day would change that and lift some spirits. In a time of heightened awareness about inappropriate sexual overtures, be sure to ask first before hugging someone!

Hugging is also a form of therapy and healing. According to 10 Reasons Why We Need at Least 8 Hugs a Day, some of the reasons include:

Hugging creates a sense of safety and security
Hugging elevates mood and creates happiness
Hugging can strengthen the immune system
Hugging is relaxing

The above article lists more reasons, all of them excellent.

According to the The Health Benefits of Hugging, hugging can also reduce stress, increase immune system protection, and even lower blood pressure.

Do you really need a reason to hug? Hug your loved ones close today. And every day!

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