Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Fall, Y'all!

We now leave behind the heat of summer and move into the cooling temps of autumn. I am ready for my ac to not have to run so much and the excitement of the coming months. This poem really sums it up well:

Greeting to the Autumn Equinox

Hail! Journeyer of the Heavens,
Queen of Brightness, King of Beauty!
Gifts of gladness richly bringing,
Autumn sheaves and red leaves' fall.
Generous be the heart within us,
Open be our hands to all,
Justice to be in equal measure,
Harvest thankfulness our call.

Caitlin Matthews - The Celtic Devotional

Many people hold feasts today to celebrate the new season. My family certainly did! Salad with pumpkin spiced cornbread croutons, fruit soup, cranberry/raspberry sorbet for dessert. You can find the recipes for it all here.

I bought and lit for the first time today an autumn scented candle. I put away all of my flower and fruit scented candles for next year. Now is the time to break out the baked good scented candles! Hubby and I went out shopping today and I bought a couple of autumn type teas that I can't wait to brew up!

Now that fall is here, there are different things you can do. Besides cook up autumn foods! LOL!

- this season of thankfulness is a good time to donate. Canned and non-perishablel foods to a food pantry. Clothes, books, toys to charities. Perhaps work at a soup kitchen - everyone wants to do it around Thanksgiving or Christmas, but they can use the help year round.
- consider taking a class at the local community college. It doesn't have to be toward a degree; many offer continuing education classes. Learn something new - ceramics, square dancing, welding - whatever sparks your fancy.
- summer is a time for being out in the open, fall is a time to draw inward. Bring out the cozy throws and stock up some wood. Temps might not be cool enough just yet, but they are coming!

Whatever you do, have fun doing it! You're never too old to jump into a leaf pile!

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