Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Celebrate J.R.R. Tolkien's Birthday!

On the 3rd of January, 1892, JRR Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa. To celebrate this event, on this day each year Tolkien fans around the world are invited to raise a glass and toast the birthday of this much loved author.

The toast is "The Professor".

For those unfamiliar with British toast-drinking ceremonies:
To make the Birthday Toast, you stand, raise a glass of your choice of drink (not necessarily alcoholic), and say the words 'The Professor' before taking a sip (or swig, if that's more appropriate for your drink). Sit and enjoy the rest of your drink.

You can celebrate the birthday of Tolkien by dressing as your favorite Hobbit, elf, wizard or other character from one of his amazing novels and inviting friends and family to watch the entire “Lord of the Rings” trilogy. Make sure you watch the extended versions! I've never been one to care for extended editions, but this time it is definitely worth it! And be sure to have Middle Earth themed foods!

An excellent cookbook for finding recipes all things Middle Earth is Regional Cooking From Middle Earth: Recipes of the Third Age by Emerald Took.

 Enjoy the day!

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